Title of Dissertation: Just and trustworthy leadership? When algorithmic leaders enter ethically sensitive domains
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck
University: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Cohort: 9th Cohort, since 2022
Short Abstract
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) enable algorithmic decision-making not only to assist humans but also to take over managerial tasks and thus leadership functions. The development of AI/ML-based models performing leadership functions entails that they also make high-stakes decisions in ethically sensitive domains such as healthcare or human resource management. Here, decisions have far-reaching consequences for the decision recipient’s life. The question arises of whether algorithmic leadership comes along with good leadership that implies ethics and efficiency. We consider this issue relevant because both aspects are arguably presumed in comparable human decision-making and leadership. However, various examples demonstrate that algorithmic decision-making can be biased, leading to undesired outcomes and perceptions. Therefore, we aim to research how algorithmic leadership should be used and designed that it is perceived as good leadership in ethically sensitive domains. We assume that algorithmic leadership is good when it is perceived as just and trustworthy by human leaders and followers. While the trust and justice perceptions of algorithmic decision-making are a noted research topic, only limited research to date explicitly addresses the new role of AI/ML-based models as leaders of humans and the resulting reconceptualization of organizational leadership. Our research project seeks to fill this research gap by analyzing how humans respond to the emergence of algorithmic leadership in terms of trust and justice perceptions. Methodologically, we strive to generate knowledge by testing hypotheses based on experimental research designs. With our research project, we contribute empirically to the new research field of algorithmic leadership.
Research Interests
- Digital Transformation / Artificial Intelligence
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Leadership Studies
- Decision-Making
- Business Ethics
- 2022, Master of Science, Business Administration & Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
- 2018, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, University of Marburg
- 2017, Exchange Semester, University of Bologna
Professional and Academic Career
- 2014, Vocational Training, Banking Professional & Financial Services, Volksbank Stuttgart eG
- N/A
Conference Contributions: Talks
- N/A
Conference Contributions: Posters
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- N/A