Ethical challenges in the diplomatic service
Diplomacy means negotiating, cooperating and building trust.
(H.D. Genscher)
Many conflicts and sources of tension in the global political sphere can be managed, de-escalated or resolved by diplomacy. Thereby, diplomats are often caught in an ethical tension between the contradictory expectations of their home countries, the formal restrictions of their offices and finally, their personal values and convictions.
In cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office, the WCGE has been offering seminars on the topic of “Ethical challenges in the diplomatic service” as part of the international diplomat training since 2012. Thereby, the Center relies on its internationally applicable approach to present ideas and instruments which individuals can use to deal with ethical conflicts. Furthermore, the diplomats discuss examples and experiences from their own careers and thereby, develop a common foundation for ‘global ethics’. In the eleven events which have been held to date in Wittenberg and Berlin, around 200 diplomats from more than 50 countries could be reached.