Title of Dissertation: Epistemology for Organisations – insouciance and deception in the treatment of organisational knowledge
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck
University: University of Halle/Wittenberg
Scholarship: tbd
Cohort: 10th Cohort, since 2023
Short Abstract
Many societal issues such as the mitigation of climate change, handling socio-technological effects of innovations, the pharmaceutical or the financial industry depend on the reliable and truthful provision of information by organisations. However, we are observing recurring epistemic issues (read: informational issues) with respect to the public handling of information. Growing research on the epistemology of organisations allows the hypothesis that what leads organisations to greenwash, manipulate, deceit or even just treat information neglectful can be explained to a significant extent by the organisational conditions within the organisation – cultural norms, processes, and structures. For instance, traditionally led enterprises with hierarchical structures and authoritative leadership styles are associated with less discoursive involvement of employees, who might object the misleading public handling of information. For instance, organisational scandals such as Volkswagen’s Dieselgate were associated with the structural lack of opportunities and incentives to speak up and object wrongdoing.
For my thesis, I am fascinated by the implications of organisational development for organisational epistemic outcomes that become morally relevant when organisational epistemic faults create societal harm.
A more detailed project plan follows.
Research Interests
Behavioural Ethics
Corporate Responsibility & Responsible Innovation
Responsible Lobbying
Democracy in Organisations
Discourse ethics
- 2023, MA Philosophy & Economics, Germany
- 2018, BSc Management, Germany
Professional and Academic Career
- 2023, Working Student – Organizational Ethics Consulting, Principia Advisory, remote
- 2021, Intern & Working Student – Corporate Digital Responsibility, Institute for Ecological Economics Research (IÖW), Berlin, Germany
- 2018-2020, Consultant Strategic Change and Organization Transformation, Deloitte, Hamburg, Germany
Conference Contributions: Talks
- N/A
Conference Contributions: Posters
- N/A
- N/A
- Best bachelor thesis
- Thesis Award der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL)