Prof. Hemel presents the leadership program of the Weltethos-Institut Tübingen (WEIT) as part of a Jour Fixe of the doctoral program.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel, director of the World Ethos Institute in Tübingen (WEIT) and chairman of the Federation of Catholic Entrepreneurs, visited the doctoral program "Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business" as part of a jour fixe at January 29, 2020. In his lecture "Building Confidence and Sustainable Leadership," he presented the WEIT, its learning program for personal and world responsibility and the global ambassador program. He also outlined some ideas on value-based leadership. He emphasized the importance of decent talent management for this. Value-based leadership and decent talent management also have a positive impact on performance. Trust is the beginning of top performance, says Hemel. Lived truth, targeted communication, coherent demeanor and credible professionalism are the four golden rules for trust-building leadership. In addition, leadership must convey meaning, which also presupposes a process of self-learning. In the discussion with the doctoral students, Hemel explained that learning and trust cannot get by without mistakes and making mistakes should therefore have a positive meaning. He also distinguished five different types of trust (impersonal trust, basic trust, systematic trust, face-to-face trust and trust in competence). In conclusion, he emphasized how important it is for self-development to know the cognitive, affective, communicative and pragmatic aspects of one's own life. One should try to consider all dimensions and these four dimensions should also be addressed in the management.
It was mutually agreed to expand the existing cooperation between the doctoral college "Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business" and the WEIT. Therefore, joint research colloquia and networking of the course programs are being considered.